It is the best time for you to buy 3D scanner from SMARTTECH in occasional low price. Take advantage of the promotion for the purchase of a metrology 3D scanner. Only till the 31st of August, the end user price for our 3D scanners is lowered by 20%. You can buy your 3D scanner with prices starts from 7920 EUR!
Information about some of our BESTSELLERS:
MICRON3D color 10MPix – ultra-precise 3D scanner with high resolution and sensitivity, certified in accordance with the recommendations German VDI / VDE standards. It enables obtaining precise one's information about geometry and color of any objects with accuracy geometric 0.015mm. Read more here >
MICRON3D color 24MPix – 3D scanner for accurate digitization of colorful objects, not only in 3D scanning workshops but also during real-time excavations. Dedicated to perpetual archiving of colorful historical objects. It was equipped with a detector of the highest available resolution on the market (24 MPix). Read more here >
SMARTTECH3D MED – 3D scanner with the ability to digitize the human body with a high level of details. SMARTTECH technology allows both fast measurement and plug & scan process meaning that the scanner is ready to work after taking it out from the case. Significant help for the CG artist in creating video games and animation. Instead of long hours of virtual modeling in graphics programs, they can just concentrate on the animation of scanned models with realistic texture. Read more here >