In December 2018, the world-class aircraft manufacturer Boeing decided to choose SMARTTECH3D UNIVERSE 5MPix scanner along with the Software Development Kit (SDK) for testing wings of their aircraft.

The Boeing Aviation Service Research Center (ASRC) chose the SMARTTECH technology after a series of tests carried out in Poland at the request of Boeing Corporate. The latest software together with the SMARTTECH UNIVERSE scanner allows, among other things, to scan both dark and shiny objects, which perfectly fits into the specifics of work when scanning plating of the aircraft.
Each aircraft after the next flight passes through a mandatory and arduous review, which allows or does not allow the admission of the plane to the next voyage. The use of SMARTTECH technology while scanning the wing plating will eliminate human error and with full precision will perform a review of aircraft wings catching even the smallest damage caused by, for example, lightning strikes or small objects. This will significantly affect the safety of next flights.
Currently, the SMARTTECH UNIVERSE scanner is being tested in the Boeing ASRC laboratory in Hong Kong, where the technology necessary to implement the solution in all Boeing service centers is being developed.

More about SMARTTECH
The company for 18 years has been engaged in the production and sales of specializes 3D scanners. SMARTTECH is constantly developing its products adapting them to various industries, such as manufacturing, medicine or archaeology. With numerous international distributors the company has global sales on all continents from both Americas, through Europe, all the way to Asia.
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More about ASRC
The Aviation Services Research Centre (ASRC) is an industry-led non-profit making organisation established by The Hong Kong Polytechnic University (PolyU) in collaboration with Boeing Corporate (Boeing). The aim of ASRC is to develop new or improved aviation service technologies and processes applicable to industry. The ASRC business scope covers aviation service research, manpower development, and business information exchange.