It has only been a couple of days since the largest additive manufacturing industry trade fair in the world – TCT Asia, ended. It was supposed to take place in the middle of February, but due to the COVID-19 pandemic outbreak, it was postponed and finally took place in July (08.07-10.07). Obviously, SMARTTECH3D representatives could not miss such a chance to present what the company has been working on for the last year to the general public gathered in Shanghai.
The three-day-long trade fair was full of interesting lectures and presentations conducted by representatives of many branches of the so-called Industry 4.0. While walking around the exhibition halls, participants could marvel at the stands of a diverse group of companies, each presenting their top achievements. 3D printing, 3D scanning, medical, automotive, as well as power and aerospace manufacturing representatives were all present.

During the trade fair, SMARTTECH distributors presented many new functionalities introduced in SMARTTECH3Dmeasure 20. The software, developed by SMARTTECH, has lately been equipped with a number of scan data quality control functionalities. This expansion captured the interest of 3D printing, automotive and production representatives in particular, which comes as no surprise, as traditional measuring methods are not capable of analyzing complex geometries produced by these industries. Moreover, participants interested in the topic of colored 3D printing had a great opportunity to become familiar with the newly improved texturing module of SMARTTECH3Dmeasure 20. Thanks to its implementation, recreating multicolored objects has never been easier, as shown in the pictures above. The left one is a textured 3D scan of a fish, whereas the right one depicts a fully-colored model of it, created using a Stratasys printer. SMARTTECH3Dmeasure 20 comes equipped with a control module, able to generate and export reports on the quality of scanned objects. The newest update to the software allows the user to easily align a virtual model of the measured item to a group of point clouds obtained from the 3D scanner. The program is then capable of calculating local deviation values between the scanned surfaces and their CAD-based counterparts, as well as displaying them in the form of colored maps.

Other updates introduced in SMARTTECH3Dmeasure 20 include: streamlining the process of aligning single-directional scans to one another, adding such triangle mesh edition functionalities as decimation (limiting the number of triangles constituting a surface) and edge smoothening, as well as enabling the user to conduct selective measurements. These are particularly interesting, as they result in a partial image of the scanned object, obtained only from a selected region of the measuring volume.

TCT Asia returns next year and SMARTTECH3D will surely be making an appearance, building relationships with companies from all around the world, and reinforcing its position as one of the top providers of solutions for Industry 4.0